martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

How Vaccines protect us from diseases?

"Computer Lab "
Activity #1 Bimester #2
How do vaccines protect us from diseases?

    Hi guys, this is our first class of the new bimester and you have to continue doing the great job you did in the first one. Today we are going to research about the common illnesses we can find around the world and about 2 new terms we need to identify. these terms are: "Pandemic and Epidemic". Together we will discover them




In your pairs you are going to research about the common illnesses that many people suffere around the world and to identify the meaning of the terms "Pandemic and Epidemic". in your pairs you are going to make a PPT presentation about the common illnesses around. please include the following in your ppt

  1. Tittle
  2. The name of the common illnesses and their symptoms
  3. the meaning of Pandemic and Epidemic
  4. pictures about them.