lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

How do living things reproduce?

"Computer Lab "
Activity #3 Bimester #2
How do animals reproduce?

Hi guys! today in our computer lab we will review the topic seen yesterday in the classroom. do you remember it? yes? no? of course we are talking about how animals are classified. To start remember the two categories seen yesterday. Excelent viviparous and oviparous!. Today you will reseach about these categories and others.

In pairs you wil make a PPT presentation about the classification of animals: viviparous and oviparous, vertebrates and invertebates, mammals and reptiles. you will use the following link to find information to use in your ppt.   
 Use the following links to work: Animals Groups,   Types of animals 
Include in your ppt the follwoing:

what are ovipaorus and viviparous animals? 

what are vertebrates and invertebrates animals?

 what are mammals and reptiles?

 include examples of animlas of each category and pictures.

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

Simple past

"Computer Lab "
Activity #2 Bimester #2
Simple past

Hi! guys, Welcome to another computer lab class. Today we are going to review the use of simple past to learn to use it in the classroom and in our everyday language. Remember that for this tense we have 2 types of verbs: "Regulars and Irregular Verbs"

 Today you are going to work with the following links: Simple past explanation      


in pairs your are going to answer the exercises to practice the use of simple past. Make the column for Affrimative, Negative and Interrogative. in your notebooks write the scores for each exercises. 

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

What should i drink?

"Computer Lab "
Activity #3
What should I drink?
Hi! guys, today in our class we will work with a little Science. Before to start think in all kind of drinks you have tasted. Do  you remember them? Can you give their names? why did you drink them? if you could remember them, Congratulations but do you know how these drinks affect your health? 

In pairs, you are going to make some research. In a Word document  you are going to find 5 examples of drinks for the following categories: use the following links to find some information to help you: Drinks,  what to drink?

  •      Sodas
  •      energetic drinks
  •     Caffeinated drinks
  •      alcoholic drinks
  •     juice

In your "Word document" you will inlcude the following:

  • ·         Name of integrants
    ·         Tittle
    ·         Kind of drinks in each category
    ·         pictures of all of them.